World Book Day Class Assembly Script
Download a Class Assembly Script on World Book Day. Includes a PowerPoint slideshow and short video clip of Roald Dahl reading an extract from the BFG.

Charlie Curls hates reading and tears up his mum’s favourite book on World Book Day. Help him put all the pages back together with the help of famous characters escaping and running lose from the pages of the torn book. Meet Oliver Twist, Harry Potter, hear Roald Dahl himself read an extract from one of his books, take part in a quiz in an attempt to persuade a non- reader to try different types of books. This assembly is a romp of famous characters, authors and stories to celebrate the wonderful world of reading and books! If you have been assigned the task of doing a world book day assembly, this is the script for you!
Download includes:
- - Class Assembly Script
- - PowerPoint Slideshow
- - Short video clip of Roald Dahl reading an extract from The BFG
Key Stage: KS2 - Key Stage 2
Style: Informative and amusing
Number of children: Accommodates for a whole class of 30 but can easily be amended to accommodate less or more.
Duration: 20 minutes but can be made longer or shorter by editing the script.
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Extract 1
Narrator 1
Welcome everyone, it's needless to say
We are all dressed up
It's World Book Day!
Narrator 1
Mad hatter, Black beard and Cinderella
Peter Rabbit and who is that weird looking fella?
Narrator 2
But there is a little boy in this hall
Who doesn't like any of this at all!
He hates reading and he hates all the books
He doesn't like any, not even the spooks!
Narrator 1
Ladies and Gentleman, boys and girls
It's time to meet Charlie Curls
(Enters a boy with a scowl on his face. Stands centre stage with his feet apart and
hands crossed looking very angry)
(Mrs Curls showing Charlie lots of books)
Mrs Curls
Try it Charlie, I am telling you, you ought'a
How about Horrid Henry or Harry Potter
I have brought you lots, look how many
If not the Wimpy Kid, try Gansta Granny?
I don't reading! I don't enjoy it!
I don't like reading, not one little bit!
(Stamps his feet)
Mrs Curls
If you don't like these, that's fine
But what about this? It was a favourite of mine!
Narrator 3
Little Charlie didn't want to listen
He had heard enough from the old dragon
Narrator 4
He took her book and all the pages, he tore
He yelled, "Go away! You big old bore!"
(Pages scatter everywhere)
Extract 2
(Enter Oliver Twist)
Oliver Twist
(Runs onto the stage) Excuse me Sir, can I have...some more?
(Startled) Who are you?
Oliver Twist
The name is Oliver Twist but who in the name of Dickens are you and why did you tear me out of my book?
(Gasps) Oliver Twist! You must have come out of mum's book! (Points at him) I saw you in a film!
Oliver Twist
Film? I was in a book, last time I checked!
Buzz off! I don't care. I don't like books. I have just upset my mum and tore up her favourite book!
Oliver Twist
Well, put it together again, I need to go back in it!
(Looks at the pages and moans) I have to match characters to the authors and I don't even know any of them!
Oliver Twist
Oh. (Starts picking up the pieces of paper) Well you sure have an awful lot of people to help you!
(Picks up one page and shows it to the audience)
The books by this famous Victorian author are full of strange characters. His books were all about things that he himself went through as a child. His books are about poverty, child labour and debt.
Let's give them a clue? Shall we bring on some characters from his books?
(Enter Scrooge. Takes centre stage and shouts) Bah Hambug! Where am I? (Oliver goes and stands in next to him and takes a bow)
Oliver Twist
Please Sir, can I have some... more?
Who are these characters? Which books are they from? Who are the authors?
(Answers from the audience first or from the class bench)
I am Scrooge from the Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens!
Oliver Twist
I am Oliver Twist from the book, Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens!
Sorry guys we have to go! We are running in the theatres
Oliver Twist
Can't stay. We are booked out!
(Leave stage)
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