The Mayans Class Assembly Script

Download a class assembly and enter the colourful world of the Mayans. Meet one of the kings of Mesoamerica as he flaunts his wealth and lords over his people. Discover the Mayan talents of studying the stars and understanding how they moved in the sky. Be amazed at how their cities were designed and learn how they used their knowledge of astronomy to create calendars, do maths, and even develop the concept of zero. Most importantly, have lots of fun along the way!
Key Stage: Key Stage 2 but can be adapted for Key Stage 1.
Style: Informative and entertaining
Number of children: Suitable for class, key stage or whole school.
Duration: 20 -25 minutes
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Extract 1
Enter a Mayan King with priests and noblemen
I don't feel I look wealthy enough today. Have one of those commoners make me a cloak that says, "Oooh, the king is looking very rich today!"
Priest 1
I think most of them are busy building the pyramids you ordered.
How tiresome. Someone bring me some jade or something. I neeeeed to look rich, or the peasants will revolt.
Nobleman 1
The peasants are already revolting if you ask me.
The Maya first developed their civilization in around 2000 BC. The Maya people are remembered for amazing creations, like their spectacular buildings and beautiful objects made from jade, a rare and valuable material.
The wealthy also liked to show off a bit by exhibiting their wealth in any way they could.
Priest 2
I heard that one of the other Mayan kings has a palace made almost entirely of jade.
Oh, why so many kings? I should rule the whole of Mesoamerica!
The Maya civilization was not an empire with one king ruling over a vast territory. Instead, a different noble family ruled each city-state.
I need to feel powerful and rich today.
Nobleman 2
(To Nobleman 1 whispering) Someone got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning.
(Overhearing) What did you say?
Nobleman 2
I said no one looks more powerful or rich than you do.
It didn't sound like that's what you said. Call for a slave!
Nobleman 1
Yes, your majesty.
Extract 2
Enter Spanish and Mayans
Spanish 1
Nosotras hemos tomado tu tierra!
Mayan 1
Say what?
Spanish 1
Nosotras hemos tomado tu tierra!
Mayan 2
No point saying the same thing again. We don't know what it means.
Spanish 2
He say, we have taken your land.
Mayan 1
Oh, right. Hang on, you've done what?
Spanish 1
Nosotras hemos tomado tu tierra!
Spanish 2
You will have to learn Spanish and our ways.
Mayan 3
And why would we do that, exactly?
Spanish 1
Nosotras hemos...
Mayan 1
Enough with the Nosotras already.
Spanish 3
You will be like us now and follow our one god.
Mayan 2
You can't just waltz in here and demand we give up all our gods and ways.
Spanish 3
Just did.
Mayan 1
Spanish 2
You live like wild animals. You need live like Europeans.
Mayan 3
Well, excuse me if I just poke you in the eye!
Mayan 2
Wild animals indeed!
Spanish 3
We knock down your temples. We take away savage ways.
Mayan 1
You can't do that!
Spanish 3
Just did!
Spanish 2
Not many Mayans left. You will not defeat us.
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