The Aztecs Class Assembly Script

Download an assembly about the Aztecs and find out what an incredibly hard-working bunch they were. Follow their journey as they search for an eagle perched on a cactus, eating a serpent. Yes, you heard that right! Discover their ingenious floating gardens, learn about their culture and traditions and the value of their much-treasured cacao beans. Meet their grand emperor, who sadly meets his fate after foolishly welcoming the Spanish army into his palace. Be prepared for some fun and light entertainment while learning all about these fascinating folks.
Key Stage: Key Stage 2 but can be adapted for Key Stage 1
Style: Informative and entertaining
Number of children: Suitable for class, key stage or whole school.
Duration: 20 -25 minutes
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Extract 1
Enter Aztecs
Aztec 1
I am so weary of walking and fighting.
Aztec 2
Are we nearly there yet?
Aztec 3
We will know when we see the sign that God sent us.
Aztec 4
What's the sign again?
Aztec 5
An eagle perched on a cactus, eating a serpent.
Aztec 6
Not something you see every day.
Aztec 1
Exactly. That's why we have been walking for so many years.
The Aztecs were a nomadic tribe and wandered for many years in search of this sign. They were instructed to settle where they found this emblem, and it was considered a sign of their destiny and success.
Aztec 2
Hey! What's that over there? (They all look and see an image of an eagle on a cactus swallowing a serpent).
Aztec 3
It's the sign! We have arrived at last!
Aztec 4
Er. It doesn't look like a great place to live.
Aztec 5
Is that a swamp?
It was not easy to settle there. The island was in the middle of a saltwater swamp of Lake Texcoco. It was surrounded by volcanoes and often had the threat of earthquakes. There was no wood or stone, and the water was salt water and couldn't be drunk. The Aztecs didn't have horses or other animals to help them carry materials, and they didn't use wheels.
Aztec 6
I guess the god who spoke to us knows what's best for us.
Aztec 1
Are you sure you heard him right?
Extract 2
Priest 2
We don't sacrifice priests, only war captives or slaves.
Priest 1
What are you two whispering about?
Priest 2
We're just planning the sacrifice, your highness.
Excellent. Now fetch some men to carry me out of here.
Priest 1
Yes, your highness
Not only was the Emperor carried when he went outside, but the ground was also swept in front of him.
They all exit the stage
Enter farmers with merchandise to barter at the market
Farmer 1
Are you all ready?
(They prick their ears to draw blood)
Farmer 2
Hopefully, that will be enough blood to keep the sun god happy today.
Farmer 3
I hope so. Imagine if the gods were not happy with us and the sun didn't rise tomorrow.
Aztecs believed that the sun died every evening and were terrified that it would not rise again. They believed they had to keep the sun god nourished with human blood; otherwise, the sun would not rise again, and the world would end.
Farmer 4
Any of you want to swap this turkey for some cacao beans?
Farmer 1
That wouldn't be a fair swap!
Farmer 2
Yeah. One turkey isn't enough to exchange for our precious beans.
Farmer 4
How many turkeys, then?
Farmer 3
How about none
Farmer 4
What? You'll give me them for nothing?
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