Romans Class Assembly Script

Download an assembly and follow the Romans as they invade Britain and build their roads to battle - literally! From Caesar’s army failures to Claudius's successes, find out what the Celts really thought of their new leaders. Find out why some of the Celtic elite were happy to adopt the Roman way of life, and join Boudicca as she takes her Iceni warriors to rise up against their enemies but sadly fails. Enjoy a little light entertainment along the way, and prepare to put your laughing chops to the test.
Key Stage: Key Stage 2 but can be adapted for Key Stage 1
Style: Informative and entertaining
Number of children: Suitable for class, key stage or whole school.
Duration: 20 -25 minutes
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Extract 1
Enter Julius Caesar and five centurions
(Looking at a map) I'm bored. I need some excitement in my life!
Centurion 1
(Points to the map) How about we conquer Britain today? Small place. Should be a pushover.
Good idea!
Centurion 2
Isn't Northern Africa and Asia enough, sire?
(Shouting) Enough?! Enough?! I want to rule the world!
Centurion 3
(To Centurion 4, whispering) Somebody's getting too big for their boots.
Centurion 4
He's wearing sandals.
Centurion 3
You know what I mean, wants to take over the world, blah, blah, blah!
Julius Caesar landed in Britain on August 26th, 55 BC, but it was almost another hundred years before the Romans conquered Britain in AD 43.
Centurion 5
Perhaps we could invest in more sensible footwear if we are to defeat the British armies.
Centurion 1
Yeah. I got so much dirt in my sandals last time that I could hardly walk.
Centurion 2
And these togas don't half let in a draft.
Can you hear yourselves? Call yourself an army?
Centurion 3
You try climbing rocky terrain with these on. (Points to their sandals).
(Mimicking the centurions) My poor feet hurt. My toga's draughty�. Boo hoo (Rubs eyes faking crying).
In 55 BC, the Romans had already conquered France. But when it came to invading Britain, they had to retreat twice.
Centurion 4
(To the audience) I wonder why that was! Huh!
Extract 2
Enter two Roman Soldiers
Soldier 1
(In a pompous tone) Look at these Celtic barbarians. They think they can challenge the mighty Roman Empire!
Soldier 2
(Confidently) Let's see how they fare against our disciplined army!
Halt, you Roman rascals! We've come to reclaim what's rightfully ours!
Soldier 1
(Laughing) Do you think you stand a chance against us?
The Iceni warriors comically stumble and struggle with their weapons
Tribe 1
Oops, my sword is upside down!
Tribe 2
My shield is so heavy it squashes my toe!
The Romans burst into laughter, underestimating the Celtic warriors
Don't worry, my brave friends.
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