Ramadan Class Assembly Script

Download a class assembly about Ramadan. In this assembly you will travel back 1400 years and see who the tribe of Quraish worshipped before the Quran was revealed in Makkah. Meet Mr Farouk's family as they begin their fast at sunrise and end their fast at sunset. Find out who is exempt from fasting by meeting some Muslims who don't have to fast during the month of Ramadan. Also meet Abdi who can't decide what to eat for his last meal of Ramadan! Get to know so much about the most holy month of Islam in this class play. No research necessary as all the knowledge you need to know is here for you!
Please note that the character of Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) is not represented by a child.
A narrator narrates the events of when the Quran was revealed. His voice or body isn’t acted by a child.
Key Stage: Can be adapted for Key Stage 1 or Key Stage 2
Style: Informative and entertaining
Number of children: Suitable for class, key stage or whole school
Duration: 20 - 25 minutes
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Extract 1
Hello and welcome my friends
We are off to Arabia, past the desert, toward the plains.
We are going back 1400 years or so,
Hold on tight! Our camels are ready to go!
We are in Makkah. It is the month of Ramadan
Be calm, be quiet and sit still if you can.
Harken your ears and your eyes peeled
The Quran is about to be revealed!
Soft and wonderful silk! The best material in the whole of Arabia!
Delicious fresh dates! Share with your friends! Get your dates from me!
Soft and wonderful silk! The best material in the whole of Arabia!
Delicious fresh dates! Share with your friends! Get your dates from me!
Caravans! Caravans! With a strong man. No one will steal your
goods on your journey!
Idols and statues! Get them from here! Pray at home to the gods!
(All merchants come to the front) Welcome to Makkah my friends!
You are in Makkah around 1400 years ago!
Yes! And all of us arenfrom the tribe of Quraish and we are very rich and make lots of money!
You see...lots of travellers and tradesmen come here
to sell lots of things. We make a lot of money! (Rub their hands together)
We worship different gods and pray to statues and idols. We pray to each
one separately for the things we want.
People from all over Arabia come here to worship and buy lots and lots of
idols from Makkah! It is very busy place!
(Rubbing his hands) The statues! They sell really well.
We are minting it!
(Puts his hand around his mouth as if to tell a secret)
But there is this man who everyone really likes. He is starting to tell
people to stop worshipping idols and worship one God instead.
That will put us right out of business!
(All moan and raise fists as they leave the stage)
Extract 2
(Old man and woman walk across the stage with a walking sticks.
They stop, face the audience, deliver their lines)
Old Woman
I don't have to fast! I wish I could but my bones are frail, I am too weak and I have to take medicine during the day!
Old man
I am older than this lady but I am fit and healthy. I am able to fast so I do! (Walk off stage)
(Enter children holding a sign saying "We are not 12 yet". They enter bouncing footballs.
They stand centre stage and deliver their lines)
We don't have to fast because we are very young and still growing!
After 12 years old, it is up to the parents to see if the children are able to fast.
(Enter a child dressed as a grown up looking very ill. Walks on stage, delivers line)
I feel really sick! I don't have to fast until I feel better.
I don't have to fast because I have a long term illness. I have to take medicines in the middle of
the day.
(Acts out taking medicines with water and then exits stage)
Everyone from benches
Everyone else must fast!
Extract 3
To know what fasting is like, let's take a look
We can go and visit the house of Mr Farouk
It's sunrise and even the kids are taking part
Let's listen! Their fast is about to start!
(Sound effect of a cockerel at sunrise. Different alarm clocks start going off)
Mr Farouk
It's almost sunrise everyone! Wake UP everyone!
We have 15 minutes before the sun rises and we can
start our fast!
Mrs Farouk
Yes! Let's wake everyone up! (Goes across to the children)
Wake up Aisha!
I don't want to wake up to eat! I will just fast without the early breakfast!
I am up mum. All ready to go! I am having some Weetabix, a piece of toast and some orange Juice.
Mr Farouk
I am having some porridge which give me energy for the rest of the day!
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