Our European Neighbours Class Assembly Script

Download an assembly all about our European neighbours. Have you ever wondered what they get up to next door? We will tell you as we dive into their traditions, cultures, climate, landscape and much more! Learn the flags of Germany, France and Italy, and find out what culinary delights they enjoy in Italy, Spain and Germany. Let us introduce you to The Eiffel Tower, The Leaning Tower of Pisa and the Ice Hotel as you sit back, kick up your heels and have a jolly good laugh along the way.
Key Stage: Key Stage 2 but can be adapted for Key Stage 1
Style: Informative and entertaining
Number of children: Suitable for class, key stage or whole school.
Duration: 20 -25 minutes
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Extract 1
Enter children in traditional dress from England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales, carrying the flags of each country - as they are introduced, they show the flags to the audience
(Pointing to each country represented in turn) England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales are countries that make up Great Britain. (They all hold hands)
Enter children in traditional dress from Germany, France and Italy carrying the flags of each country - as they are introduced, they show the flags to the audience
Europe is a continent that is made up of over fifty countries, including Germany, France and Italy.
All the children hold hands to make a circle
All Children
(Start singing and moving in a clockwise direction)
Here we go round the mulberry bush,
The mulberry bush,
The mulberry bush
Here we go round the mulberry bush
So early in the morning.
Stop! Why English rhymes? We should sing French ones!
Or German!
Or Italian!
That escalated!
Extract 2
Enter five English tourists
Tourist 1
Wow, I didn't think Spain would be quite so hot. I'm melting.
Tourist 2
Me too.
Tourist 3
Shall we find something to do in a nicely air-conditioned room?
Tourist 4
I saw a poster for Flamenco dancing lessons.
Tourist 5
That sounds like fun. Shall we go?
The children walk off stage and then come on again as if arriving at a new place. The dance instructor, dressed in traditional Spanish dress, enters.
Welcome, my leetle Inglish friends. You want to learn the Flamenco, yes?
Yes, please!
Flamenco music starts, and the instructor starts to move around dramatically
Feel the music, my leetle Inglish. Feel the rithim!
Tourist 1
What do we do?
You don't do, you feel.
The children try to copy the instructor and get into all sorts of strange positions as they bump into each other and step on each other's toes
Tourist 2
What are we actually paying for?
You pay to watch and learn from thee best!
(Speaking as the children are still falling all over the place) Spain is one of the most recognisable countries in Europe and the Flamenco is its national dance.
Tourist 2
This is useless, and I'm hungry. Let's go and grab some tapas.
(They stop "dancing") Good idea!
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