India Class Assembly Script

Download an assembly all about the delights of historical and modern-day India. Meet Queen Elizabeth I as she convinces Ralph Fitch to travel to India to negotiate a trade deal for their sensational exotic spices. Discover how this adventure unwittingly opens the floodgates as India becomes gripped by colonization. Witness Gandhi come to the rescue and secure freedom for the people of India. Fast forward to modern-day as we learn about the culture and traditions of the country and meet the poetic chefs as they cook up a storm in the kitchen.
Key Stage: Key Stage 2 but can be adapted for Key Stage 1
Style: Informative and entertaining
Number of children: Suitable for class, key stage or whole school.
Duration: 20-25 minutes
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Extract 1
Welcome to the wonderful world of India, a country so big that it could fit a gazillion elephants and still have room for a million more! In fact, it's a whopping 3,288,000 square kilometres in size, making it way bigger than England.
Enter Queen Elizabeth I, Ralph Fitch, and four courtiers
Ah! Fitch, my dear man. Thanks for coming.
(Bowing) Your Majesty. The pleasure is all mine.
Courtier 1
(Whispering to Courtier 2 and mimicking Fitch) "The pleasure is all mine."
Courtier 2
(Laughs) You sounded just like him.
Courtier 3
Ssssssh. Listen. This is getting good.
(In a sickly cute voice) I have a teeny weeny little job for you.
(Questioning) Your Majesty?
I'd like you to pop to India and see if you can pick me up some of those scrummy spices. Then maybe you can see if there's a way we can arrange regular delivery of them.
The first person sent by Queen Elizabeth I of England to the Indian subcontinent in search of spices and trade was a man named Ralph Fitch. In the year 1583, Fitch embarked on a voyage as part of a trading expedition organised by the newly formed British East India Company.
Pop? Pop to India? Your Majesty, it's nearly 5000 miles away.
It could make you famous.
That doesn't make it any closer.
Courtier 1
(Whispering to the other courtiers) Oops trouble in paradise.
Courtier 2
You are funny. You should apply to become a court jester.
Courtier 3
You won't seem so funny when they ship you off to the Tower!
Extract 2
Enter six British Colonials
Colonial 1
The locals aren't very happy sir.
Colonial 2
Not happy?! How can they not be happy?
Colonial 3
Well, they haven't been treated very fairly since we took charge.
Colonial 1
Not fairly?! How not fairly?
Colonial 4
Oh, I don't know. Maybe segregation, poverty, lack of access to things that are important. Stuff like that.
The British implemented policies that favoured their own economic interests, leaving many Indians poor. Local industries suffered and the British also imposed high taxes causing hardships for the common people.
Colonial 1
What about the railways, telegraph lines, and an improved legal system we've introduced? Don't hear them complaining about using those.
Colonial 5
Yeah, and the schools.
Colonial 6
Not much good if they can't afford to use them.
Colonial 1
A mere trifle. Without us, they would be nothing!
Colonial 6
They were fine before we came along.
Colonial 5
Everyone is so ungrateful these days!
Enter Gandhi
Right, we've had enough of your colonial rule. Off you pop back to where you came from.
Colonial 1
And who might you be?
My name is Mahatma Gandhi. I am an Indian leader and we've had enough of your bullying. Leave now or I'll make you leave.
Colonial 1
(Laughing) You and whose army?
Take a look out of the window.
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