How Plants Grow Class Assembly Script

Be prepared to see plants as you’ve never seen them before when you download this class assembly on How Plants Grow. Do you know your stem from your pistol or the mechanics of seed dispersal? You will after you’ve followed the whacky plot in this assembly. Meet Buzzy Benny, the pollinating bee and watch as he demonstrates his bee matchmaking dance. Join a diverse range of characters as they learn everything you need to know about how plants grow.
Key Stage: Key Stage 2 but can be adapted for Key Stage 1
Style: Informative and entertaining
Number of children: Suitable for class, key stage or whole school
Duration: 20 -25 minutes
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Extract 1
Welcome to our beautiful summer gardens. Here you will meet the flowery residents and learn everything you need to know about how plants grow.
Enter a human with two flowers two roots two stems and two leaf characters
(Attempting to pick a flower)
Flower 1
Hey! Not so fast!
Whoah!!! A talking flower.
Flower 2
Of course. How do you expect us to communicate?
No idea but I've never heard a flower talk before.
Flower 1
You are in for a real treat today then.
Root 1
Yeah. So hands off our flowers!
What are you?
Root 2
We are roots.
Okay. Why are you all separated from the flower?
Stem 1
Whenever someone tries to pick a flower we like to teach them a lesson!
I don't like the sound of that! What are you going to do to me?
Stem 2
(Raising fists) Put 'em up. Put 'em up!
Stem 1
(To Stem 2) What have I told you about that? Stop it!
Leaf 1
We aren't going to do anything to you.
Leaf 2
We just want to teach you how important plants are.
Extract 2
Enter five children and one adult (Charlie) who gather around a plant bed armed with gardening tools
Alright folks! Today we're going to learn how to grow something magnificent! Meet our star plant Fern the Fern.
Child 1
(Whispering) Is it just me or does the fern look a bit... sad?
Child 2
Maybe Fern just realised they're stuck with us as their gardeners!
Fear not my friends! We shall transform this sad fern into a lush green oasis. First we need to understand the importance of light!
Child 3
(Holding a torch) Well I brought some light just in case.
That's not exactly what I meant...
Fern needs sunlight to perform photosynthesis just like we need our daily dose of vitamin D. (Switches on a bright light representing the sun)
Child 4
Whoa! That's bright! Can we tone it down a bit?
Sorry about that. Let's find a bright spot for Fern but not too intense.
Child 5
How about over there under that tree? It's like a natural sunblock for Fern!
Perfect! Now on to the second essential ingredient: water!
Child 1
Child 1 excitedly steps forward with a watering can but accidentally trips and showers everyone with water.
Child 1
Oops! I guess we all needed a shower!
They all laugh and pretend to dry themselves off.
Well that refreshing! Remember folks plants need water but not a monsoon.
(Pointing to Child 2) Now let's learn about the parts of a flower. Our resident flower expert here will guide us!
Child 2 dramatically presents a flower with exaggerated gestures
Child 2
Behold the grandeur of this majestic flower! Each part has a role to play. The petals are like a fashion show for insects and the stem is the plant's backbone!
Child 3
What is that bit in the middle called?
Child 2
That's the pistil. It's the girl part of the flower.
The pistil has three main parts: the sticky part on top called the stigma, a long tube called the style, and a round part at the bottom called the ovary. The ovary holds tiny eggs called ovules.
Child 4
I'll never remember all that.
Child 5
We can draw pictures to help explain it.
Child 4
Flowers have lots of different parts. The stamen and pistil are the male and female parts of the flower responsible for reproduction. The stamen produces pollen and the pistil contains the ovary which holds the ovules. The receptacle supports the entire flower structure and the nectary produces sweet nectar to reward pollinators.
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