French Class Assembly Script
An exciting and interesting class assembly script on basic French. The script includes narrators giving information about location and French culture. There is also a number and greetings performance.

A class assembly on basic French. The script includes narrators giving information on French culture and short scenes reinforcing vocabulary of different body parts, numbers to 10 and greetings. There is a script on ordering basic foods and an amusing role-play of a French classroom
Key Stage: Key Stage 2 French Curriculum Role-play
Style: Informative and amusing
Number of children: Accommodates for a whole class of 30 but can easily be amended to accommodate less or more
Duration: Approx 20 minutes
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Body parts in French.
(children sing: Heads, shoulders, knees and toes in French)
(Lyrics provided)
Example of Role-play using body parts
Have a really old granny limping on stage, moaning and then start this dialogue. Have the second child translating for her getting more cross with each complaint!!
Child ....
Je suis malade! Je suis malade!
She is saying she is not feeling very well!
Child ....
Jai mal à la tête!
Child ....
She is saying she has a head ache!
Child ....
Jai mal au ventre!
Child ...
She is saying she has a stomach ache.(rolls eyes!)
Example of role-play with practice of French numbers.
Bonjour the class!
Bonjour Madam!
Romain! Leve-toi! Ce qui est 2 plus 2.
Errr trios madam.
Non! Quel Dommage! C'est quatre! Claude... ....
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