Francis Drake Class Assembly Script

An exciting and interesting class assembly script on Francis Drake which portrays his life and achievements within the context of Tudor Explorations.

Francis Drake

A class assembly script on Francis Drake which portrays his life and achievements within the context of Tudor Explorations. This plays-script includes amusing scenes on sea voyages, living conditions on ships and Drake’s relationship with the Tudor Monarchy

Key Stage: Key Stage 2 History Curriculum Tudors Role-play

Style: Very informative and amusing. Very creatively written script with high entertainment value!

Number of children: Accommodates for a whole class of 30 but can easily be amended to accommodate less or more

Duration: Approx 20 minutes

£ 9.99

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Francis Drake Class Assembly - Extract

Narrator 1

(Open with a drum)
1. Christopher Columbus
2 Captain Bligh!
3 Nelson!
4 Magellan!
5 Sir Walter Raleigh
6 Francis Chichester!
7 Sir Alexander Selkirk
8 Popeye!



Narrator 1

Oh all right
10. Vasgo da Gama
11. James Cook.....

Narrator 1

What have all these names got in common? I said what have all these names got in common?

Child 1

They've all got funny names.

Narrator 1

Well, yes, but what else?

Child 2

They are all blokes.

Narrator 1

Yes, I suppose they are but what else? Don't you learn anything at school? Don't answer that!

Child 3

I know that Popeye was a sailor. Am I getting warm?

Narrator 1


Child 3

Are they all sailors?

Narrator 1

At last. Yes! Correct.

Narrator 2

Well done! Those were all the names of famous sailors. But there is Missing. Perhaps the most famous one of all.

Child 3

What! More famous than Popeye!!

Narrator 2

Yes. His name was Sir Francis Drake. Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls class .......... Proudly present Sir Francis Drake!

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