Christmas Nativity Class Assembly Script
Download a Christmas Nativity class assembly play script.

Suitable for a traditional primary school nativity with suggested Christmas carols and songs.
Key Stage: Key Stage 2 role-play
Style: Information and amusing
Number of children: It could be played by 30 children or with different groups playing sheep, angels and market stall holders, this could be performed by a whole year group
Duration: 30-45 minutes
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Welcome ladies and gentleman to our Christmas performance. Today we are going to take you back to the very first Christmas when a very special baby was born. He was born in Bethlehem.
Once in Royal David's City
(Appears on stage while Mary is sleeping)
In the small village of Nazareth, Mary was sleeping peacefully when a wonderful angel appeared in front of her. At first Mary was scared but she then marvelled at how bright and magnificent it was.
Who are you? (Surprised)
I come with peace and blessings. I am the angel of God and I have come to deliver to you, a message from God. (Mary gets up wearily and faces the angel)
You are going to have a baby. He will be called Jesus and he will be the son of God.
Hark the herald angels sing
With that, the Angel disappeared.
(Mary looks on as Joseph comes on stage. Audience sees Mary miming the events to Joseph who nods with belief)
Mary told her husband Joseph and both of them couldn't wait for baby Jesus to be born.
(Both Mary and Joseph come centre stage as Narrator reads the next part)
Time passed on and just as they were starting to get prepared for little baby Jesus, important news came from Rome.
Remember the Romans ruled during this era,
and it was the time of Augustus Caesar,
He was very ambitious,
Some did say, he was most vicious!
But judge for yourselves, you will see him soon
Be in the Market square at half past noon!
(Roman market scene)
Market Seller 1 :
Cloth! Cloth! Buy your cloth here!
Market Seller 2 :
Olives! Olives! Buy your olives here!
Market Seller 2 :
Dormice! Dormice! Buy your Dormice here!
Town Crier:
All Hail Augustus Caesar!
Hail Caesar! Hail Augustus Caesar!
(Comes centre stage. Draws his hands wide and addresses the audience)
All hail you fellow countrymen. I am here to tell you about something important! I want everyone to return to their place of birth. This is because I want to know exactly how many people are in my empire!
Uhhhhh (Big moan)
And to do this, I need everyone to go back to where they were born! I want this census done quickly! Everyone's name should be listed! (exits the stage)
Market Person 1:
What I can't go! I have a shop!
Market Person 2:
Well if we don't do as he says, he will do us all in!
We will have to be on our way!
Get packing everyone!
Everyone got their belongings together and said goodbye to their neighbours and townspeople.
Mary and Joseph:
To Bethlehem we have to go. It will be a long ride!
Oh Little Town of Bethlehem
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