Britain since 1948 Class Assembly Script
An exciting and interesting class assembly script about the main events in British history from the 1948.

A class assembly which gives information on political and technological changes through the decades. It include role-plays on life in the 50's and 60's. It also deals with fashion and music changes through the decades from Elvis and the Beatles, to Grease and Thriller
Key Stage: Key Stage 2 role-play, History, Britain Since 1948
Style: Informative and amusing
Number of children: Accommodates for a whole class of 30 but can easily be amended to accommodate less or more
Duration: Approx 20 minutes
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Good evening ladies and gentleman and welcome to Britain since the 1950s! What we are attempting to do tonight is to re-create some of the sights, sounds and events that went on in the decades since the 1950s.
"Rock Around The clock" (Check Copyright)
This record was first released in 1954. It was the first really popular rock n' roll record. It topped the charts all over the America, Europe and began the new rock n' roll craze.
It was all about the music of the young. The word teenager entered the vocabulary for the first time and teenagers began to think themselves as a separate group different from adults. Adults did not like this music and instead liked quieter sentimental ballads sung by "Crooners" such as Bing Crosby and Frank Sinatra.
The "generation gap" widened further with the arrival on the scene of a young man from Memphis whose music and stage appearance was loved by the young and loathed by the old. This man changed the whole face of modern popular music. Ladies and Gentleman, Mr Elvis Presley! Blue Suede Shoes (Check Copyright)
The sixties saw this rock revolution heighten when teenagers found that they could make music of their own! Wash boards, tea chest bases, cheap acoustic guitars and anything else that came to hand, school boys would drive their parents crazy by practising skiffle music in bedrooms and attics.
Scene 1
Skiffle Group in a bedroom
Child 1
Now let's get it right this time, ok? A one, a two, a one, two, three, four! (The group start playing)
Child 2
Stop! We are not playing together!
Child 3
(Carries on playing)
Child 2
Hello! Come on! If we can't get this right we might as well give in and go home!
Child 3
Oh sorry mate - I kind of got carried away!
Child 1
Ok let's try again! A one, a two, a one, two, three, four!
Stop that racket! My hover makes better noises that you lot. Haven't you got homes to go to!
Child 2
Come on! Let's go to my place. My parents have gone out.
During the 1960s, people had more money to spend and clothes became more affordable and different styles emerged. (Girls and Boys in 1960s clothes go past front stage)
Large shops like Marks and Spencers appeared.
Popular culture developed and youngsters started behaving very differently....
Scene 2
Living room of a typical family.
What time do you call this and where have you been? No daughter of mine stays out till quarter to 10!
Sorry mum but Rocky couldn't start his motorbike!
Rocky! Motorbike! I don't know what your father will say when he gets home.
Here's Rocky now mum. Please be nice to him! (Enter Rocky - ignores mum and sits down, legs out, arms behind head and looks around disapprovingly)
Nice to meet you er.. Rocky. Do you live around here then?
I - er - like to move around a bit - you know. I go where the mood takes me. I am a free, man, you know, real free, like.
You do a lot of travelling then?
Well, like er - I like to move around a bit you know. I am free, man you, know, real free, like.
It's so nice to see you getting on well. Would you like a cup of tea Rocky?
Tea! Tea! Is that your answer to everything? Put the kettle on, have a nice cup of tea! This country is drowning in tea, clogged up with tea bags. I hate tea!
Extract from another page
Disco was the rage of the 1970s. Teenagers started to go to disco clubs. There were huge advances in transport and technology. Black and white TV was replaced by colour TVs in most houses and Concorde made its first supersonic trip in 1976. Families could afford cars and lots of women started to join the workforce after having babies.
The 1970s was a revolutionary decade when it came to children's toys. Much of the toys that were released during that period are still popular to this day. In fact, many of the originals are highly prized collectibles.
(Child comes on with a rubiks cube and talks as he tries to work it out) The Rubik's Cube has come a long way since it first reached homes in 1974, to date 350 million Cubes have being sold. Its continued success proves that riddles and puzzle games are timeless!
(Goes across the half midway in his skateboard) In 1972 Frank Nasworthy released the first skateboard with wheels made of polyurethane and it has just got better and better!
And then there was Star Wars! (Theme Tune plays!) Check copyright.
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